Corporate Actions

This section shows corporate actions, sorted by asset class and currency.

Field Description
Account ID The account number.
Account Alias Account alias, if there is one.
Model Model, if applicable.
Currency The currency denomination of the corporate action.
Asset Class The asset class of the instrument associated with the corporate action.
FX Rate to Base The conversion rate from asset currency to base currency.
Symbol The symbol related to the corporate action.
Description The description of the corporate action.
Conid The conid of the position related to the corporate action.
Security ID The security ID of the position related to the corporate action.
Security ID Type The security ID type of the position related to the corporate action.
CUSIP The CUSIP of position related to the corporate action.
ISIN The ISIN of the position related to the corporate action.
FIGI The FIGI of the position related to the corporate action.
Underlying Conid The underlying conid of the position related to the corporate action.
Underlying Symbol The underlying symbol of the position related to the corporate action.
Issuer The company that issued the contract. For structured products only.
Multiplier The multiplier of the security related to the corporate action.
Expiry The expiration date of the security related to the corporate action.
Put/Call Put or call.
Principal Adjustment Factor The IB calculated principal adjustment for Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS).
Report Date The day that the corporate action is reflected on the statement.
Date/Time The date and time of the corporate action.
Amount The value related to the corporate action.
Proceeds The proceeds related to the corporate action.
Value The value related to the corporate action.
Quantity The quantity related to the corporate action.
Realized P/L The realized P/L associated with the corporate action.
MTM PNL The MTM PNL associated with the corporate action.
Code The code abbreviation.

A two-letter ID that indicates the type of corporate action:

ID Type
OR Asset Purchase
BC Bond Conversion
BM Bond Maturity
CD Cash Dividend
HD Choice Dividend Delivery
HI Choice Dividend Issue
CC Contact Consolidation
CA Contract Soulte (a type of cash settlement)
CO Contract Spin Off
CS Contract Split
CI Convertible Issue
CP Coupon Payment
DW Delist Worthless
DI Dividend Rights Issue
ED Expire Dividend Right
FA Fee Allocation
FS Forward Split
GV Generic Voluntary
IC Issue Change
FI Issue Forward Split
TC Merger
PC Partial Call Issue
RS Reverse Split
PI Share Purchase Issue
SO Spin Off
SD Stock Dividend
RI Subscribable Rights Issue
SR Subscribe Rights
TM Tbill Maturity
TI Tender Issue
UE Unknown Event
TO Voluntary Conversion
Transaction ID Unique ID for this transaction.